If you haven't been educated in the field of metallurgy, this would be impossible for you. But this analysis, which a conscious being like you cannot perform, is done quite easily by the approximately 100 trillion cells in your body—and without any thinking, or calculations, or difficulty. Moreover, not only the cells in your body have this ability, but so do the untold trillions of cells in the bodies of the billions who have ever lived on Earth.
Most people cannot identify minerals placed in front of them. However, cells in our body can distinguish between minerals, oxygen, sodium and potassium, and isolate the elements it wants and take them in. |
Consider that the cell is a structure made up of proteins, molecules, and atoms and is about a thousandth of a millimeter in size. It has no hands or arms, no eyes, ears or brain. Unlike you, it has no consciousness. If so, how can it recognize these substances?
This ability is brought about by God's inspiration to each cell. It is the Possessor of knowledge and power Who confers this ability requiring clear insight and consciousness, upon blind and unconscious atoms.
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