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Miracles in the human body; Cells

10 Mayıs 2010 Pazartesi


On some cells are found cilia that resemble eyelashes and facilitate
movement. They are composed of highly complex structures.
Right: The microtubules
making up each cilium.
Below: This cross section of a cilium shows the intertwined double ring structure.
According to the Darwinist claims, all living things result from spontaneous coincidences. But the thousands of complex systems in our bodies deny this nonsense of "coincidence." One example is the hairlike structures whose sole duty is to allow the cell to move and which, in turn, consist of thousands of minute details.
Some cells move by the use of short, microscopic structures, called cilia, that resemble eyelashes. For example, each of the stationary cells in the respiratory tract possesses hundreds of cilia. By moving together all at the same time, just like the oars on a racing scull, these structures enable the cell to move forward.
* When a cross section of a cilium is cut, it can be seen to be very organized and made up of a ring of nine doublet microtubules around the periphery and two singlet microtubules in the middle.
* Each of the doublet microtubules has a ring with 13 microfilaments and another one with 11 microfilaments.
* The microtubules are made of a protein called "tubulin."
* The microtubules also have two extensions, an outer arm and an inner arm, both made of a protein called "dynein." This protein's function is to act as a motor for the cilia and provide mechanical strength.
* Molecules making up the tubulin protein virtually line up together like bricks to form cylindrical structures. However, the organization of the tubulin molecules is much more complex than the laying of bricks.
* There are ten short extensions on the top and ten cavities on the bottom of each tubulin. These cavities and extensions have been created to fit snugly inside each other, thus creating a very sound structure. Even the slightest defect in the very special design of these cavities or extensions will result in damage to the cell.
All these components that we've summarized briefly and simply compose just one single cilium; and its sole aim is to move just that one cell, out of the trillions of cells in your body. Such an extensive system exists in every cell of the respiratory system of everyone who has ever lived and of every person alive today. Moreover, this complex system made up of many different parts is the substructure of a cilium on a cell we can't even see with our eyes. You can grasp how small this area is by the following comparison: Fitting all of the details explained above into one of the hairs on your head would be so complex that our brains couldn't comprehend it. But the cilia of the cell we're talking about have just such an incomparably small substructure.
In short, God has placed a most systematic and complex mechanism in a place too small for our eyes to see. It's totally impossible for "coincidence" to think about moving a cell and fitting such a system in so small an area. This is possible only with the superior and infinite mind, knowledge and power of God.

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Documentary - The Miracle Of Design In The Cell