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Miracles in the human body; Cells

10 Mayıs 2010 Pazartesi


When insulin binds to a receptor in the cell membrane (1), special proteins in the cell (2) go into action. This is a signal to glucose transporters. In addition, there are glucose sacs in the inner part of the cell (3).  Some are close to the cell membrane (4). On receiving the signal, these sacs move towards the cell membrane and fuse with it (5), exposing the glucose transporters (6). With the increase in the number of transport proteins that take glucose into the cell, the glucose level in the blood drops and less insulin is produced. A short while later, a portion of the cell membrane, together with the transport proteins, curls around towards the inside of the cell (7), forming a vesicle (8). Moving toward the middle of the cell, it combines with the endosome (9). Here, once new sacs are formed, it awaits a new signal (10), and the process continues.
If you happen to eat food that contains more sugar than you need, what prevents a rise of sugar in your blood?
1. First of all, cells in your pancreas locate and isolate the sugar molecules, out of hundreds of other molecules in the blood. In addition, it decides whether the number of these molecules is too great or too small—that is, they are effectively counted. Tiny cells that you can't even see with your naked eye, that have no eyes, brains or hands, can calculate the number of sugar molecules in the blood plasma—this is certainly something worth thinking about!
2. If these pancreas cells determine that the blood contains too many sugar molecules, they decide to store this extra sugar. They cannot carry out this storage process themselves, however, stimulate other cells located very far away to do this for them.
3. But these distant cells will not store sugar unless they receive an order to do so. So the pancreatic cells release a hormone that tells these distant cells to start storing sugar. The formula for this hormone, which we call insulin, is encoded in the DNA of the pancreas cells since they were first formed.
4. Next, special enzymes, or worker proteins found in the pancreatic cells read this formula, then begin producing insulin according to its directions. To effect this synthesis, hundreds of different enzymes go at work on different tasks.
5. The synthesized insulin is then dispatched to the target cells, through the blood—which is the most reliable and speedy manner.
6. Other cells that read the insulin's order to store sugar obey this command without fail. Gateways open up, allowing the sugar molecules to pass through into the cells.
7. These gateways don't open up indiscriminately, however. Out of the hundreds of different molecules in the blood, storage cells isolate, capture, and take in only sugar molecules.
8. Under no circumstances do the cells disobey the orders that reach them. They don't misread the order, or try to capture other molecules, or try to store more sugar than they need to. They work with great discipline.
When you drink tea that has too much sugar in it, this extraordinary system goes into action and stores the excess. If this system were not working, your blood sugar level would rise to the point that you would slip into a coma and die. This is such a perfect system that if need arises, it works in exactly the opposite direction. If your blood sugar level falls below normal, the pancreas produces a completely different hormone called glucagon, which sends a "Release sugar into the blood" command to those same cells that had stored it previously, and these cells obey.
How is it that these cells, possessing no brain, nervous system, eyes, or ears, can carry out such fine calculations and perform them so perfectly? How can this unconscious tissue, the products of protein and fat, carry out amazing functions that even people cannot? What is the source of the obviously great consciousness displayed by these unconscious molecules? All these events are evident signs of the existence and power of God, Who is Ruler over the whole universe and all creatures.
What is in the heavens and in the earth belongs to God. God encompasses all things.
(Qur'an, 4: 126)

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Documentary - The Miracle Of Design In The Cell